Saturday, November 28, 2009

Colour in Thailand has my hair falling out please help :-(?

Hello, I thought it would be cheaper to get my hair done in Thailand last night but now my beautiful healthy hair is falling out. It is so matted that I can not brush it %26amp; when I do clumps if it come out. I have been putting in leave in condition all day but it just soaks it up. I am now in Singapore %26amp; am considering going to Toni %26amp; Guy tomorrow to ask if they can prevent it from looking like the front of my whole head has been shaved a number 2 :-((( Anyone been there or can give me help, Im all by myself %26amp; am so sad :-(

Colour in Thailand has my hair falling out please help :-(?

i've the same problem due to too much relaxers! but i did not get it from thailand. LOL

firstly, cut away all the damaged hair. There's no way to cure really damaged hair.

Secondly, buy a protein products. Be sure to condition your hair afterwards. I am using redken deep fuel. It's a more potent protein treatment. Dont overuse it.

Thirdly, buy SALON product shampoo and conditioner that nourish and repair from inside out. Redken ones are real good. MOst of the shampoo and conditioner only nourish and repair the outer layer of the hair which does not make any help to your hair.Hence, you need shampoo and conditioner that repair and nourish your hair from inside and outside.

Lastly, stop using any hot appliances like blowdryer and hair straightener or it is going to make it worse.

that's all. It's going to spend lots of your pennies but it's worth it.

good luck!

Colour in Thailand has my hair falling out please help :-(?

I was going to get my hair permed in Vietnam, but now I changed my mind.

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